Here are the results from the pre-Iron Halo poll from 3/22 - 3/29. We received an overwhelming response with 75 individuals taking the time to answer our questions. Thank you. We will be taking these results into account how we structure the 2017 Iron Halo. Below are all the results to the questions as well as a few of our thoughts. Enjoy!
Yes - 49 | No - 26
We received a much larger response from the "No" category than we anticipated, hopefully that means a lot of new folks are interested in attending the 2017 Iron Halo.
We received a much larger response from the "No" category than we anticipated, hopefully that means a lot of new folks are interested in attending the 2017 Iron Halo.
Less than 3 - 28 | 3-6 Hours - 27 | 6-10 Hours - 14 | 10+ Hours - 6
We feel honored that at least 6 folks want to travel 10+ hours to the Iron Halo!
We feel honored that at least 6 folks want to travel 10+ hours to the Iron Halo!
1650 Points - 21 | 1850 - 39 | 2000 Points - 15
Looks like we will be playing 1850 points.
Looks like we will be playing 1850 points.
Wanted to see how many players had tried each mission pack. It goes hand in hand with the next question and we were pleasantly surprised with the results of the next question.
Standard ITC - 29 | Renegade Open - 19 | Nova Open - 3 | Mixed Mission Pack - 24
These results caught us off guard. I knew Standard ITC would win, but not by such a close margin. 5 votes separated the Mixed Mission pack vs ITC which means this question will go to a run off in June vs the winner of the next poll question.
These results caught us off guard. I knew Standard ITC would win, but not by such a close margin. 5 votes separated the Mixed Mission pack vs ITC which means this question will go to a run off in June vs the winner of the next poll question.
ITC & Renegade - 41 (55%) | ITC & Nova - 18 (24%) | Renegade & Nova - 16 (21%)
We had a gut feeling ITC & Renegade would be a very popular choice, but we did not expect it to be extremely popular. And because it was so popular, there will be a runoff vote in June to determine if we will be playing Standard ITC missions or a ITC/Renegade missions. Also we could have simplify the answers of the poll to just 3, however we have added the results and written in the correct percentages next to their perspective mission selection.
We had a gut feeling ITC & Renegade would be a very popular choice, but we did not expect it to be extremely popular. And because it was so popular, there will be a runoff vote in June to determine if we will be playing Standard ITC missions or a ITC/Renegade missions. Also we could have simplify the answers of the poll to just 3, however we have added the results and written in the correct percentages next to their perspective mission selection.
5 Rounds - 31 | 6 Rounds - 44
The Iron Halo has always been a 6 round tournament, but lately we have been hearing of tournament only go 5 rounds. We wanted to see if our players wanted to make that transition to 5 rounds and the answer was a resounding no.
The Iron Halo has always been a 6 round tournament, but lately we have been hearing of tournament only go 5 rounds. We wanted to see if our players wanted to make that transition to 5 rounds and the answer was a resounding no.
4&2 Rounds - 45 | 3&3 - 30
These results also shocked us as well. We assumed folks like going 3 games and 3 games, but instead they like to leave early on Sunday and try to make it back at a decent hour. So for the 2017 Iron Halo we will have 4 rounds on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. The schedule will be updated by next week to reflect these changes.
These results also shocked us as well. We assumed folks like going 3 games and 3 games, but instead they like to leave early on Sunday and try to make it back at a decent hour. So for the 2017 Iron Halo we will have 4 rounds on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. The schedule will be updated by next week to reflect these changes.
25% winners, 25% Best Painted, 50% random - 28 | 50%/25%/25% - 23 | 25%/50%/25% - 5 | 33%/33%/33% - 19
We were eager to see how the players wanted their prized distributed. Most wanted a majority of prizes to be distributed by random drawings which we can accomplish this year with more random drawings during the tournament. However based on how close the top two results were, we will more likely take a hybrid approach of 30% top winners/faction, 25% Best Painted, 45% random drawings.
We were eager to see how the players wanted their prized distributed. Most wanted a majority of prizes to be distributed by random drawings which we can accomplish this year with more random drawings during the tournament. However based on how close the top two results were, we will more likely take a hybrid approach of 30% top winners/faction, 25% Best Painted, 45% random drawings.
We also gave players the ability to write in their suggestions. Click Here to view those comments. Some of them are really good. And yes the host will wear a silly hat when handing out awards.
All in all we have some really good ideas to bring to the drawing board and implement for the 2017 Iron Halo. Our goal has always been to create a fun, enjoyable and challenging atmosphere for new , casual and competitive players. We want to thank everyone who has participated in a previous Iron Halo for helping us be apart of the journey and we cant wait to see you guys on September 30th at the 2017 Iron Halo.